My name is Vasilios Gletsos. The roots of my brewing story started in 2001, fresh out of art school as a printmaker and puppeteer. I became a company member of the Bread and Puppet Theater based here in the Northeast Kingdom. While touring and performing I acquired an appreciation for beer and brewing history from around the world. Also during this time I met my wife who was born and raised in Craftsbury. In 2005, we moved to Portland, Oregon, where I started professionally brewing in large and small brewpubs and production breweries. We started a family there, then, in 2015, we moved back to Craftsbury, where I went to work at a local brewery, and so we could be closer to family and raise our kids.

Copper Wood Cave...
My brewery is located on a dairy farm and former cheese operation in Albany, Vermont. The brewhouse is in the former creamery with retrofitted dairy equipment and a wood fired copper kettle. Copper has a long history as a traditional metal for brewing equipment. In addition to the brewhouse, my cellar is a former cheese cave, a subterranean structure made of concrete with a vaulted ceiling. It’s a beautiful and quiet space for my beers to rest and mature.